Grid Bot Template

Grid Bot Template

Earn passive income with a diversified crypto strategy even when the market is down.

With the help of this template you can:

  • Follow a step-by-step guide
  • Find profitable crypto pairs
  • Earn more with grid bots
  • Reduce risk
  • Reinvest bot profits

Trading crypto doesn’t need to be hard!

Why do you need a grid bot? Other markets have designated hours for opening and closing (such as stocks).

But crypto is very different! It works 24/7. This means even the best traders might miss on gains.

Yet running a bot will allow trading even when you are up and about without any worry.

Grid bots are very good at doing it because they will buy and sell on many prices levels and profit from volatility.

What you will get…

The only thing you need is a good setup (a plan!) to keep making consistent returns!

Luckily there is one already waiting for you… All you need to do is download the file and follow the steps!